All projects to share and preserve Hans Gál's legacy, including this website, are only possible because of the generosity of volunteers and individual donors to the Hans Gál Society. Donations of any size and in any currency are appreciated and make a real difference to the size and scope of projects that can be initiated or supported: projects such as
  • tackling the affordability and visibility of Gál sheet music
  • supporting performances or recordings of major neglected works
  • supporting productions of a Gál opera
  • supporting inclusion of Gál in major festivals
  • Providing grants and competition prizes to students studying Gál
  • improving and updating this website, and the quality and accessiblity of information online
If you would like to contribute, please either:

pay via PayPal in any currency to
send a UK sterling cheque to 16 Blacket Place, Edinburgh EH9 1RL

transfer to the account of the Hans Gál Society at:

Lloyds, 2 Pavement, York YO1 9LB, United Kingdom
Bank Code: 30-99-99, account no. 02531852
BIC Code: LOYD GB 21225
IBAN: GB16 LOYD 3099 9902 5318 52

A heartfelt thank you for your support.

The Hans Gál Society is a registered charity no. 1116965 (England & Wales), and SC040273 (Scotland)