  • Die Stileigentümlichkeiten des jungen Beethoven und ihr Zusammenhang mit dem Stil seiner Reife ('Characteristics of the style of the young Beethoven and their relationship to the style of his maturity') . Dissertation, Vienna, 1913. Also in Studien zur Musikwissenschaft 4, p. 58-115. [Download as pdf-file 6.9MB]

  • Anleitung zum Partiturlesen. Vienna: Philharmonischer Verlag, 1923. (English edition: Directions for Score Reading . London, 1924; also in Spanish). Also published in 1941 under the name of Theodor Leschetitzky. (It could not be published under the name of a Jewish author.)

  • (With R.Stöhr and A.Orel) Formenlehre der Musik . Leipzig: Kistner & Siegel, 1933. (Reprint: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle/Saale 1950.

  • Olga Kurt-Schaab: Musikgeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart in 600 Fragen (revised and edited by Hans Gál). Vienna: Passer, 1935.

  • Catalogue of Manuscripts, Printed Music and Books of Music up to 1850 in the Library of the Music Department of the University of Edinburgh. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1941.

  • The Golden Age of Vienna. London: Parish, 1948.

  • Johannes Brahms. Werk und Persönlichkeit. Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer, 1961 (New edn. 1980). English edition: Brahms: his Work and Personality . New York: Knopf, 1963/London: Severn House, 1975.

  • Richard Wagner. Versuch einer Würdigung. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1963. English edition: Richard Wagner, London: Gollancz/New York: Stein & Day, 1976.

  • The Musician's World. Great Musicians in their Letters. London: Thames & Hudson, 1965.

  • Franz Schubert oder die Melodie. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1970. English edition: Franz Schubert and the Essence of Melody , London: Gollancz, 1974. Hungarian edition: Schubert , Budapest: Zenemükiadó, 1973.

  • Drei Meister - drei Welten. Brahms, Wagner, Verdi. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1975.

  • Brahms: Briefe. Ed. by Hans Gál. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1979.

  • Schumann Orchestral Music. London: BBC, 1979.

  • Giuseppi Verdi und die Oper. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1982.

  • Musik hinter Stacheldraht ('Musik behind Barbed Wire'), written during internment captivity in 1940, is a vivid and very human account of personal survival and creativity in extraordinary circumstances. Gál’s fellow internees include a colourful array of distinguished personalities who emerge from the pages of the diary like characters in a tragi-comic human drama, both harrowing and humorous, immensely readable, and ultimately a monument to the human spirit and to the power of music and creativity. The book comes with a CD of music written during the internment. Edited by Eva Fox-Gál. Bern: Peter Lang, 2003. (Hans Gál's internment diary from summer 1940. In German - includes CD of the Huyton Suite and What a Life!.

  • Music Behind Barbed Wire, English translation of Musik hinter Stacheldracht. Translated by Anthony Fox and Eva Fox-Gál with Forewords by Professor Sir Alan Peacock and Richard Dove. Published by Toccata Press, 2014. In English - includes CD of Die Ballade vom Armen Jakob, Huyton Suite and What a Life!.